My last day leading Digit

After 10 deeply fulfilling years, today is my last day leading Digit.

Building Digit has been the greatest joy and achievement of my professional life. I still can’t fully believe the journey I have been on these last 10 years. What started as a dream, a few lines of code, and a belief I could change the 4 trillion-dollar financial services industry, has led to helping millions of Americans save over 8 billion dollars.

In addition to what we have done for members, we also created a work environment that many have called the best place they have ever worked, that has enabled many of us, myself included, to actually do the best work of their lives. All while building a profitable business and over $200M in enterprise value.

I sit here listening to some of the music I listened to so many years ago while building Digit, with tears in my eyes, touched by all we have done and accomplished and incredibly grateful to have had these moments in this universe to create this product, this business, this experience for everyone we’ve touched these last 10 years.

As hard as this decision has been for me, I know now is the right time for me to hand over the reins to the next generation of leaders. And I am excited for the next generation of leaders to carry the Digit + Oportun mission far into the future.

There are too many people to thank for making Digit possible. Please know I am appreciative of every single one of you for being on this journey with me and for all you have done to get us here.
As for what's next for me. For now, more time with the family. Reading, thinking, writing, geeking out and reconnecting with friends 🙏


Throwback to when I announced Digit:

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