Let go more often

Feel stressed that you haven't hit some milestone, some goal or your vision isn't working out exactly as you expected?

Let go. Breath. Walk away. Mediate. Truly distract yourself from the cause of your stress, because it's just not that big of a deal.

In the long run we're all dead. Maybe that helps. It does for me. Nothing is as existential as you feel it is.

And the strangest thing happens when you peel away from whatever was keeping you ragged. It tends to allow your beast of a subconscious to work through it.

And this thing that was driving you mad somehow seems different, smaller, easier, or just solves itself all together, or becomes something that doesn't need to be solved, even better! 1

I know I could have used more of this when I was running Flowtown.

It's amazing what a little break does for your mind.

So go ahead and watch that movie you've been putting off.


[1] Sometimes it still sucks. But at least you took a break!

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