Hard conversations

Hard conversations are the stuff that growth is made of. Ignore them at your peril.

Whether with your spouse, partner, co-founder, team member, family member, friend or employee. It is through hard conversations that you enable one another to grow.

What exactly are hard conversations made of? Typically how something made you feel or something you've observed about someone (something). In short, they are about a truth. And usually the truth hurts. Yet sharing and discussing truth is liberating. So you need to make sure you don't enslave it. 

Don't short change the people in your life because you are scared of these hard conversations. Don't give yourself an out. Through the pain that is having conversations a magic is unearthed.

Think of it as a tilling of the relationship soil that allows new crops to grow.

I've come to discover that one of the most satisfying feelings for me in life is the feeling I get towards the end of one of these conversations. And I encourage you to chase this high.

I'm not world class at having hard conversations yet. But it's something I'm committed to and work on every day.

Hard conversations are called hard conversations for a reason they're freaking hard. But I promise you this: hard conversations will lead to stronger and healthier relationships. Who doesn't want that?

What conversations have you been avoiding?


I can't write this without thanking Dana and Bryan for helping me have more hard conversations.

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