
I wrote this over a year ago and never published it for some reason. Go see it if you haven't it's now on Netflix.
Drive was the best new movie I've seen all year.
Plot was simple. But each scene contained so much punch: body language, setting, score/soundtrack, emotions, violence, class.
Art direction amazing. Soundtrack so well executed.
The gratuitous violence contrasted by how gentle he is with the boy.
You watch two characters fall in love in two scenes and less than 5 words.
You know nothing about the Driver but you never question where he came from or the depth and rage it created.
It's a wonderful movie. I smiled almost the entire time.
** Spoiler Alert **
So fucking breathtaking...
Third to last scene. He sits in his car bloodied. Camera pans slowly from bottom to top. He was just brutally stabbed in the stomach. He's not moving. You wonder are his eyes open or closed?
Camera stops at his face. His eyes are open. Are they about to close. Is he about to die, is he dead? The outside appears to be getting brighter. Is the sun setting?
He blinks. He's alive. Then squints. Is he dying? Camera pans down to his right hand as it reaches for the ignition and starts the car.
He lives.