A lens for great products

Two things are responsible for the overwhelming majority of human happiness: having meaningful relationships and meaningful work.

So why do we spend so much time on activities that are neither?1

What product could you create that maintains my effectiveness yet minimizes the time I spend:

  • Doing chores
  • Booking travel
  • Commuting
  • Managing finances
  • Searching for information
  • Shopping
  • Wedding planning
  • Keeping in touch with people
  • Waiting in lines
  • Finding restaurants
  • Eating (fuel not fun)
  • Staying healthy

Now there has been innovation in all of these categories, some more recent than others and some more effective, but it's still not 0 minutes per year for any of them. 

Why not?


[1] If you flip this notion around a great product helps us have meaningful relationships or meaningful work.

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